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School Closure Extended Through Friday, May 1, 2020

March 26, 2020
Dear Eureka Families and Staff,
First – thank you! Thank you for your trust and patience as we work together to navigate this ever-changing situation in our nation.
The health and safety of our students and staff is a responsibility we take seriously. We are in constant communication with the Placer County Office of Education, Placer County Public Health, and statewide education leaders on how we can keep all who are part of our learning community safe in the midst of this growing health crisis.
In order to slow the spread of COVID-19 to the maximum extent possible, we have decided to extend school closures through May 1. This is a unified decision made in consultation with the Placer County Health Officer and in collaboration with school district leaders throughout Placer County. During the extended closure, plans for distance learning and meal service will continue as planned.
  • Official Spring Break will continue as originally scheduled Monday, April 6, through Monday April 13. Distance Learning will resume on Tuesday, April 14.
  • We are proud of our staff's proactiveness developing lessons and plans to start off distance learning well, as was noted yesterday in the Sacramento Bee, “Some schools, like Eureka Union School District, set up a distance learning website where teachers provide daily assignments and check-ins.” Our teachers will continue to provide distance learning opportunities for our students after Spring Break. This instruction will be scaled up to include direct instruction on essential knowledge and skills. Your child’s teachers will be providing video-based lessons from Grades 1 to 8. Grade TK and K teachers will check-in with students through multiple formats. Please watch for an email from your child’s teacher. 
  • Later this afternoon, an email will be sent with a survey link for parents to complete and provide feedback on your families’ experience with distance learning.
  • Lunch and breakfast will continue to be served through Spring Break, more details to follow. 
We all want students back in school and for our communities to return to normalcy as soon as possible, but, not at the risk of their health and safety. New information is surfacing rapidly and we will continue to diligently monitor the situation and re-evaluate our steps in the coming weeks.
Thank you,
Tom Janis
For questions about COVID-19: For general questions about COVID-19 and precautions currently recommended by Placer County Public Health, residents may call the county’s coronavirus information line at (530) 886-5310. Current information about the coronavirus is available at and on the CDC website.

EUSD Communication: STAR Childcare

March 25, 2020
Dear EUSD Families,
Beginning Monday, March 30, STAR Childcare will begin offering childcare at Maidu Elementary for County approved essential workers. This will allow for those in positions such as health care, first responders, emergency services, food production and distribution, and social services to continue working. If you are interested and qualify, please click on the Emergency Services Flier for information on how to register. 
We have confirmed with STAR they can meet the following mandatory guidelines:
  • Childcare must be carried out in stable groups of 12 or fewer (stable means that the same children are in the same group each day). 
  • Children shall not change from one group to another. 
  • If more than one group of children is cared for at one facility, each group shall be in a separate room. Groups shall not mix with each other. 
  • Childcare providers shall remain solely with one group of children. 
  • Persons should remain six feet apart whenever feasible.
Depending on need, additional childcare could be at Greenhills and/or Oakhills. This information is posted on the EUSD website under District Announcements as well as in our COVID-19 webpage, and on Facebook alerting families of this renewed service for children of essential workers.

Eureka Communication #10, March 20, 2020

Hello Eureka Staff and Families,
Earlier this week, the governor indicated school closures may extend until the end of the school year. We will be prepared if that is the case. Additionally, the California Department of Education (CDE) has suspended state testing (ELA, Math, and Science) for this year. As we continue to adjust to these ongoing transitions we are experiencing, a highlight is seeing how our staff and families have rallied for our Eureka community. We have ensured lunch is provided, “snack bundles” were organized by staff for students to access at home, materials (e.g. crayons) and games have been donated and distributed, teachers are refining their skills for distance learning, and the list goes on. We will continue to be proactive and adjust accordingly.
We are looking forward to offering additional locations for families to pick up breakfast and lunches, beginning Monday, March 23. Breakfast and lunches will be available for pick up on Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. through 1 p.m. at the following locations: Cavitt Junior High, Greenhills Elementary, Excelsior Elementary, Maidu Elementary and Granite Bay High School.  Students will receive lunch for the current day and breakfast for the following day.
We recognize the possibility our schools may remain closed for the rest of the year, and if that becomes reality, we will continue to refine our distance learning experiences and plans for our instructional programs. Even though much is still unknown at this point, we want to assure our families that Eureka USD is committed to continuing to help our students achieve their academic goals.  
As the District Office is closed to the public for the time being, we have on our website links and staff email addresses available to you. For access to District Office staff go to our Staff Directory. Our Eureka community has remained strong and will continue our efforts on behalf of our most deserving students. 

Eureka District Office Closed Effective Thursday, March 19, 2020

March 17, 2020
Good Morning Eureka Staff and Families,
As we enter new territory with school closures, I want to compliment our families, principals, teachers, support staff, Board of Trustees, and students as we have prepared for distance-learning these next three weeks. I am aware of other districts in California who are experiencing negativity during this time, but not for Eureka. The tone and feedback from parents and staff has been positive, understanding, collaborative, and solution oriented.
It is our intent to support the request to limit exposure to others, therefore, we are making arrangements to close the District Office to the public beginning this Thursday, March 19. Upon closing, we will have on the front door information to reach District staff as well as on the website with links and staff email addresses. Similar to our site-level staff and leaders, District staff will be accessible via email and phone. There may be times the District Office has activity such as critical pre-arranged appointments, deliveries, picking up week three packets for grades TK/K-2, etc.
Currently, lunches are available daily at Granite Bay High School. We understand there are barriers for some families in getting to this location and we are working with our Nutrition Services program to find solutions. We will be reaching out once we have more information. 
Many of you have reached out to inquire how you can help others in our community. If you have additional non perishable food items, arts and crafts supplies, family games which you would like to donate, you may drop them off at the Eureka Union School District Office by tomorrow, Wednesday, March 18 at 4:00pm. We will coordinate distribution of these items to families within our community. In order to not impact current supplies at local stores, please note we are not encouraging families to purchase new items to donate, only share what you may currently have on hand.
Finally, with this unprecedented decision to shut the doors to our classrooms for an extended period of time, we ask our neighborhood school communities to have a watchful eye on our buildings. We will have staff and law enforcement periodically on watch for illegal entry and vandalism, but it will be a collective effort to ensure our buildings remain intact. If unusual activity is occurring, please call 9-1-1 if it is an emergency, or use our Anonymous TIP line for your site to report the concern for our EUSD staff to be alerted.
Please take care of yourself and your families,  

Communication #8: School Closure

March 13, 2020
Dear Families and Staff, 
We have been following the guidance of public health experts on how we can keep all who are part of our learning community safe in the midst of a growing health crisis. In consultation with Placer County Public Health and Placer County Office of Education, Eureka Union School District, as well as all school districts in Placer County, will close effective Monday, March 16, 2020, through Monday, April 13, 2020, doing our part to help slow community spread of COVID-19. 
All staff (Classified and Certificated) will be reporting to work on Monday, March 16th to prepare their classrooms for closure, for a selected number of teaching staff to work on additional distance learning resources, and for our Custodial staff to thoroughly deep clean all of our school sites such as disinfecting classrooms, restrooms, multi-purpose rooms, and frequently touched surfaces such as desks, keyboards, and doorknobs using appropriate cleaning materials. A separate email with more detailed information will be sent to all staff regarding their roles during our closure. 
Decisions like this are difficult to make. We are taking this action based on consultation from public health officials and other agencies from what is known at this time about the transmission and severity of the illness to best protect our students, staff, and community.
Academic Information
Our dedicated teachers and staff have developed lessons and curated resources for students to continue learning content and skills during our closure. Grades TK-2 families should have received a printed packet, which was sent home today from school. Grades 3-8 can access learning resources online, mostly through Google classroom. 
In addition, the District has created plans on how our students who receive special education services can access distance learning. More information will be coming from special education staff to parents and guardians at the beginning of next week via email. 
Lunch Service
Granite Bay High School (GBHS) will be the location for any EUSD student requiring lunch services via a drive through pick-up program during the duration of our school closures. Lunch will be available for pick-up between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Parents/Students will need to have their child's Name and ID # when picking up their meals (A master list will be available at GBHS if your child cannot remember their ID#).
Health and Safety Reminders
This challenging decision to close schools does not mean this is a "vacation" for families or staff members. As a reminder, per public health officials, please continue to avoid large groups of people and remain at least six feet away from others. Do not gather in other locations such as shopping malls, movie theaters, or community centers while schools are closed. Remember to continue efforts to reduce the spread of germs by washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, cover your cough or sneeze, stay home if you are sick, and continue to disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
We will continue to closely monitor the state of COVID-19 and will contact you via email if our school closures will extend past April 13, 2020.
We thank you for your patience as our district navigates uncharted waters. The safety and wellness of our students and staff are at the forefront of our minds. Each decision we make is weighed heavily by how the outcome affects all members of the Eureka family. We thank you for your cooperation and support in helping us maintain a healthy and safe learning environment. 

Communication #7: March 12, 2020

Dear Eureka Families and Staff, 

The Placer County school districts received notification from the Placer County Public Health Department (PCPHD) recommending additional steps to implement across our District.  At this time it has been recommended to reduce social gatherings and access to our schools. PCPHD has NOT recommended closing schools at this time. Currently, there are no reported cases of any student or staff member testing positive for COVID-19 in EUSD. Therefore, all Eureka schools and offices will remain open. 

We ask for your partnership in taking responsibility to help keep our community safe. This means adhering to the preventative measures set forth by public health officials, and staying home from school or related events when individuals are sick or not feeling well. 

As a result of information provided by the PCPHD, we will implement the following measures beginning on Monday, March 16:
Field Trips 
All field trips district-wide are canceled beginning Monday, March 16, 2020, through April 17, 2020, and will be re-evaluated at that time.
Volunteers & Visitors
Volunteers & visitors are still welcome on campus. As with our students and staff, if a volunteer/visitor is not feeling well, we are asking the to please refrain from volunteering/visiting until they are asymptomatic for 72-hours. If a volunteer/visitor has traveled to level 2 or 3 countries in the last two weeks as outlined by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), they are not allowed on campus until 14-days past the date of re-entry into the USA.
Professional Development & Travel
All non-essential travel scheduled for instruction or business continuity will be canceled through April 17, 2020. This may include (but is not limited to):
  • Instructional field trips
  • Professional development travel/conferences
  • Air travel
We will continue to evaluate all travel. This plan may remain in place through the end of the school year, depending on the status of the COVID-19 virus.
Parent Workshops & Meetings All Parent Workshops and meetings requiring a large gathering are canceled through April 17, 2020, and  will be re-evaluated at that time.
On-Site Student Performances 
At this time, there are no cancellations. However, all attendees and participants are asked to stay home if they are not feeling well or are experiencing any respiratory ailments. Please do not participate or attend any event until 7 days after symptoms begin or fever free for 72-hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication). 
Spectators limited to immediate family only, and will practice "social distancing".
At this time, there are no cancellations. However, all attendees and participants are asked to stay home if they are not feeling well or are experiencing any respiratory ailments. Please do not participate or attend any event until 7 days after symptoms begin or fever free for 72-hours (without the use of fever-reducing medications). 
Spectators limited to immediate family only, and will practice "social distancing".
School Day Assemblies
 All school-wide assemblies scheduled to occur now through April 17, 2020, will be modified per social distancing guidelines recommended by county health officials. 
Health Care Protocol
All students, staff, and school volunteers recovering from an illness or not feeling well are asked not to come to school until 7 days after symptoms begin or fever free for 72-hours (without the use of fever-reducing medications). 
  • Symptoms include fever, cough, sneezing, congestion, shortness of breath, runny nose, aches, chills, fatigue, chest discomfort, and sore throat. (CDC cold and flu symptoms)
  • If your student has a documented diagnosis of strep throat, has been on antibiotics for 24 hours, and is otherwise symptom-free, they can return to school. (per the CDC)
Student Absences 
The District is adhering to the Education Code for excused absences. Keeping a student home based on fear of COVID-19 contagion will not be an excused absence. Perfect attendance award tracking has been suspended.  
Outside Group Use of Indoor Facilities 
All facility usage of indoor facilities by groups outside of Eureka Union School District on days school is in session has been suspended until April 17, 2020, and will be re-evaluated at that time. Outside activities should utilize "social distancing". 
Before/After School Childcare and Enrichment Programs Before/After school on campus child care and enrichment programs, including STAR and ESF, will continue to be provided as long as school remains open. Students who are ill should remain home for 7 days after symptoms begin or fever free for 72-hours (without the use of fever-reducing medications), and will be sent home from these programs if sick. 
Travel Advisory 
All students and staff who have traveled to an area identified by the Centers for Disease Control as level two or three countries in the last two weeks will not be allowed on school grounds for 14 days past the time of re-entry into the USA.  
Today, I will meet with EUSD staff to discuss the current conditions and outline steps that we are implementing in the event we are required to close a school(s). In preparation for a possible closure, our dedicated teachers have organized lessons and materials for our students either through hard copy packets or distance learning. Our staff is committed to supporting students through whatever means are available.

Please know that we understand the frustrations that these restrictions may cause and the concerns that you may have regarding this issue. We will continue to communicate with all families and staff with information as it becomes available. 

Thank you for your ongoing understanding and support.

Communication #6: March 10, 2020

Hello Eureka Staff and Families,
The safety of students, staff, and community continues to be our highest priority.  We care deeply about all EUSD students, families, and staff and will continue to share information and decisions in a timely manner.  The situation is fluid and rapidly changing.  We appreciate your flexibility and understanding as decisions are made in the best interest of our children and staff in consultation with Placer County Health. As of today, Placer and Yolo Health Departments report confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the region are increasing rapidly. In one week, the number of cases in Yolo and Placer Counties has grown from 1 to 8. 
Placer County Health declared a local health emergency to ensure public health officials have all the necessary tools at their disposal to keep our community safe.  They elevated Placer County's COVID-19 status from 'containment to community mitigation'. The Eureka Union School District continues to work with the local agencies to determine appropriate actions and evaluate next steps. 
At this time, based on information provided by the Placer County Health Officials, all EUSD schools remain open.
Preparing for School Closure
We are currently working with our teachers to prepare instructional units for our students in case of school closure.  We would like your input on if you would need tools to access curriculum at home in this event. Tools may include access to a device, the internet as well as school supplies. 
School Closure Notifications
In the event a decision is made to close a school, you will be notified by email. While we do not know if a school will close, we do ask that you please start thinking about and planning for extended child care.
School day and Evening events
Please reference the document from the California Department of Public Health.  The Eureka Union School District is now operating within Scenario II.  Under Scenario II, it states: Consider alternates to congregate or group programming within the school, including any large or communal activities such as assemblies.  Alternate approaches which limit close contact may include conducting assemblies via webcasts or intercom announcements. Based on their recommendation, we are evaluating all field trips, student performances, and community events.  We ask that you self-monitor and stay home if you are not feeling well. If a decision is made to cancel an event(s), we will contact you by email.
Volunteers are still allowed on campus; however, if you do not feel well, please stay home.
If your child has any symptoms, please keep them home from school.  We are adhering to the Education Code for excused absences. A family keeping a student home because they are worried about COVID-19 needs to know that the absence will not be an excused absence.  We are not allowed to excuse absences based on fear of contagion. Public Health officials have assured us that if a student or staff member becomes at risk, they will notify us immediately.
Precautionary Measures Recommended by the California Department of Public Health
Members of the general public and our school communities should continue their efforts to reduce the spread of respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19 by: washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, cover your cough or sneeze, stay home if you are sick and continue to disinfect frequently touched surfaces, and following guidance from public health officials. Everyone should stay home if they are sick until they have had no fever, cough or other respiratory symptoms for at least 72 hours after symptoms resolve or 7 days after symptoms began, whichever is longer.
Cleaning Efforts to Mitigate Exposure to COVID-19
As we mentioned in previous emails, our sites are taking extra precautions by increasing our cleaning schedules for commonly touched surfaces such as desks, tables, and doorknobs.  These areas are cleaned on a nightly basis to reduce the spread of germs. We are also asking staff to ensure students are washing their hands regularly.
Resources for Students
Through collaboration with our school nurse and counselor teams, we have consolidated resources which you may consider reviewing and sharing with your child.  The resources both address how to talk with your child about COVID-19 as well as preventative strategies. 
Thank you for allowing us to serve you and your children.  We will do everything in our power to keep them safe, loved, and learning.  We look forward to seeing your student at school in the morning.

Communication #5: March 6, 2020

Dear EUSD Families and Staff, 

Out of an abundance of caution, we are sharing with you the following information.  We recently learned a parent, who has children attending Maidu and Excelsior, has been placed on quarantine due to a possible exposure with an individual who may have the Coronavirus. The children have not had contact with this parent since this possible exposure occurred. The parent and children are not presenting any symptoms at this time.  

We started working with Placer County Public Health officials immediately who informed us there is no threat to our students or staff. There is no evidence of community transmission in Placer County at this time and no concern for our students or staff at Maidu or Excelsior or any of the Eureka Union School District school sites. Since there is no confirmation regarding a positive diagnosis or even symptoms, Placer County Health Department officials have no recommendations at this time with regards to school closures. 

Placer County Public Health officials assured us they would immediately contact the school district if any students or staff were at risk of exposure to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). As a district, we are taking extra measures including additional cleaning on all our school campuses each day. 

We each play a role in keeping our community healthy and safe. We understand there can be anxiety about this evolving situation, but there are simple ways to turn that anxiety into action. Members of the general public and our school communities should continue their efforts to reduce the spread of respiratory illnesses including COVID-19 by: 

• Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds 
• Cover your cough or sneeze 
• Stay home if you are sick 
• Continue to disinfect frequently touched and shared surfaces. 

We will continue to provide updates as necessary. For additional prevention information, or if you have symptoms concerning you, please visit the Placer County Health and Human Services website at or call (530) 886-5310.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to respond to this very sensitive issue.  


Hello EUSD Families and Staff,
In light of recent updates on COVID-19, public health officials have declared local public health emergency, which enables Placer County to access additional resources, necessary tools and mutual aid to keep the community safe. This declaration does not have any immediate or direct impact on schools. Together we are urging members of the public and school communities to be diligent in their efforts to reduce the spread of respiratory illnesses including COVID-19.
We understand the anxiety that COVID-19 has caused in our schools and with our families, and we assure you -- we are following all directives and protocols from public health officials to protect our schools and students. We are in close communication with the Placer County Office of Education and Placer County Health professional to assess potential contact and exposure risk for students and staff in Eureka Union School District (both rumor and substantiated). Any official communication will be shared on our website and on our approved social media platforms.
At this time, there are no recommendations from public health officials for cancellation of public events or field trips. With this guidance, school and all school activities will continue as scheduled. However, we continue to explore possible solutions for distance learning and prolonged Independent Study by assessing our technology access and devices and looking at contingency plans for events and spring sports. If in the event Placer County Public Health asks for social distancing or school closures in the near future, we will be forced to make alternative plans and/or cancel these events and possibly school.
Now is the time to begin thinking about your personal contingency plans for childcare and transportation should there be a potential impact to the schools or school events in the future. The CDC provides resources for household action plans.
For general questions about COVID-19 and precautions currently recommended by Placer County Public Health, residents may call the county's coronavirus information line at (530) 886-5310. Current information about the coronavirus is available at and on the CDC website.
As always, the safety and wellness of our students and staff are a priority. We will be monitoring new developments and will continue to reevaluate our steps and actions. Thank you for your cooperation and support in helping us to maintain a healthy and safe learning environment.
Health and Safety Reminders
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick. If your child is sick, please keep them home from school. All children and staff members with fever (>100.4 F / >38C) should remain home from school and other activities until they had no fever for 24 hours, without fever medication. Students who attend school with sniffles or coughs will be sent home.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Look out for friends and loved ones who would be considered more vulnerable and offer support. Individuals with chronic health issues and/or individuals experiencing severe symptoms should be evaluated by a medical professional.
  • The California Department of Public Health does not recommend the use of face masks for general prevention and states handwashing provides better protection from infectious diseases.
Additionally, if your student has been to China in the past two weeks, we will follow the recommendation of CDC and require that they not return to school for 14 days from the day after they left the affected area. If you or your student has traveled any country identified by the CDC with a Level 2 travel restriction, please monitor for fever or cough for the next 14 days, and stay home if you have any symptoms. This will allow time for medical evaluations and to ensure the safety of everyone.


Hello EUSD Families and Staff,
As of March 2, the first case of COVID-19 has been confirmed by public health officials in Placer County.

The individual had close contact with the confirmed case from Solano County and is in isolation at home. Close contacts will be quarantined and monitored as well.
The immediate risk to the general public and to schools in Placer County is relatively low, but now is the time to prepare for the likelihood of local community transmission unrelated to this case. 

We each play a role in keeping our community healthy and safe. We understand folks may feel some anxiety about this evolving situation, but there are simple ways to turn that anxiety into action. Members of the general public and our school communities should continue their efforts to reduce the spread of respiratory illnesses including COVID-19 by washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, cover your cough or sneeze, stay home if you are sick and continue to disinfect frequently touched surfaces. The California Department of Public Health does not recommend the use of face masks for general prevention and states handwashing provides better protection from infectious diseases.

Now is the time to begin thinking about your personal contingency plans for childcare and transportation should there be a potential impact to the schools in the future. 

Again, the immediate risk to schools and our communities remains low at this time. If we receive any additional information that is important to the safety of the school community, we will share it with you immediately. Unless otherwise informed, please plan for all regular school activities to continue as scheduled.  And, please stay home if you or your child is sick. Additionally, if your student has been to China in the past two weeks, we will follow the recommendation of CDC and require that they not return to school for 14 days from the day after they left the affected area. If you or your student has traveled to Iran, South Korea, Italy, Japan or Hong Kong, please monitor for fever or cough for the next 14 days, and stay home if you have any symptoms. This will allow time for medical evaluations and to ensure the safety of everyone. Please note, there have been reports of students and others being stigmatized. Coronavirus is not specific to any race, nationality or ethnicity. We want to ensure that students and staff do not experience harassment or stigmatization as a result of concerns about COVID-19. Please report any concerns about harmful behaviors to a teacher, counselor or school administrator.

Eureka Union School District remains diligent in our communication with the Placer County Office of Education and Placer County Public Health professionals to establish protocols for schools and prepare for possible future school disruptions. The situation is fluid. In the near future, we may need to take action to slow the spread of COVID-19 which will help to limit the number of people who become ill, protect our health care systems from being overwhelmed and give time to develop a vaccine and treatments. We will be monitoring new developments and will continue to reevaluate our steps and actions.

As always, the safety and wellness of our students and staff are a priority, and we thank you for your cooperation and support in helping us to maintain a healthy and safe learning environment.


On Monday, March 2, 2020, the Placer County Department of Health announced the first confirmed case of COVID-19. Please see their announcement here:


Hello EUSD Families and Staff,
With the cold and flu season upon us and concerns about the novel coronavirus, now named COVID-19, we wanted to give you the most recent information from the Placer County Public Health Office about COVID-19 and provide you with important tips to help you stay healthy this season and help prevent flu and other respiratory illnesses.   
As of February 26, county health officials report there are no confirmed cases of novel coronavirus in Placer County and the immediate health risk to the general public is low. However, according to county officials, further transmission is expected nationally and locally and the time to prepare is now.
Facts about COVID-19
  • Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. Typically, human coronaviruses cause mild-to-moderate respiratory illness. In some cases, COVID-19 can cause more severe respiratory illness.
  • Most of the people sickened with COVID-19 have been adults.
  • To date, California has a total of 9 confirmed cases. On Feb. 26, the first possible case of community transmission was confirmed in a Solano County resident who is being treated at a Sacramento hospital.
  • Public health professionals in the U.S. are working to slow the spread of COVID-19 and to prepare for increased cases and possible local transmission of the infection.
  • This is an evolving situation. The risk to the general public remains low at this time and no cases have been confirmed in Placer County, but this is the time to prepare for potential disruptions that could come with increased spread of COVID-19.
Student Safety Precautions
 Given how quickly the global situation is evolving, we are working with the Placer County Office of Education and Placer County Public Health professionals to establish protocols for schools and prepare for disruptions that could result from a future outbreak in our region.  We will be monitoring new developments and will continue to reevaluate our steps and actions.
In the meantime, we remain diligent in our efforts to clean frequently touched surfaces and objects such as desks, keyboard and doorknobs. Additionally, we are encouraging hand hygiene in locations readily accessible to students and staff.
At this time, students and school staff should continue to practice the same precautions that they normally do during cold and flu season. To help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, including the coronavirus and flu, follow these important tips: 
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Individuals with chronic health issues and/or individuals experiencing severe symptoms should be evaluated by a medical professional. 
  • The CA Department of Public Health does not recommend the use of face masks for general prevention and states handwashing provides better protection from infectious diseases.
As a reminder, if your child is sick, please keep them home from school. All children and staff members with fever (>100.4 F / >38C) should remain home from school and other activities until they have no fever for 24 hours, without fever reducing medication.
Additionally, if your student has been to China in the past two weeks, Placer County officials are following the recommendation of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and require that they not return to school for 14 days from the day after they left the affected area. This allows time for medical evaluations and to ensure the safety of everyone.
It is important to remember that handling the spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19 is primarily a task for public health agencies. Any directives from the CDC, CA Department of Health Services,  or Placer County Public Health should be followed including travel restrictions. We also encourage you to begin thinking about your personal contingency plans for childcare and transportation should there be a potential impact to the schools in the future.
For additional helpful tips, view the links above and also the EUSD COVID-19 webpage. 
If we receive any additional information that is important to the safety of EUSD, we will share it with you immediately. Unless otherwise informed, please plan for all regular school activities to continue as scheduled.
In times like this, we are particularly grateful for the strength and togetherness of our EUSD families, students and staff.  The safety and wellness of our students and staff are a priority, and we thank you for your cooperation and support in helping us to maintain a healthy and safe learning environment.