- About
- Superintendent's Corner
- District Administration
- District Goals, LCAP & Federal Addendum (2023-24)
- Emergency Information/Resources
- Enrollment/Registration
- EUSD Profile
- History of EUSD
- Public Notices
- School Boundaries
- School Information
- Start/End Times for Schools & the EUSD Calendar
- Vision and Pathways
- Why EUSD?
Nifty 90's

- New district logo approved
- The Land Bank program made it possible for the district to purchase land for Maidu and Olympus school sites.
- The first Foundation fund-raiser was held in March, 1993 at the Northridge Country Club.
- The STAR before and after school program was approved for a one-year pilot in June of 1994.
- The Board approved the computer network for attendance, business services, etc., in August, 1994.
- Ridgeview School was dedicated in October, 1994.
- Olympus was dedicated in October, 1996.
- Maidu School was dedicated in April, 1997.
- The new District Office opened in November, 1997.
- The new Eureka web site is up and running in September, 1999.
- Excelsior School was dedicated in October, 1999.