School Site Safety Plans
Comprehensive School Site Safety Plans
California law requires the Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan of each school to be annually evaluated and amended, as needed, to ensure the plan is being properly implemented. Partially funded by the Placer County Office of Education, a consulting company called D-Prep, who are experts in the field of safety and emergency preparedness, worked with several districts in the county in writing school safety plans. Eureka Union School District was one of the participating districts.
With the assistance of D-Prep, the Comprehensive School Site Safety Plans and Emergency Procedure Manuals for Eureka Schools have been developed to provide current strategies that are used to ensure a safe school climate and provide emergency preparedness procedures in case of a serious event. Each plan outlines the ways that each school complies with existing school safety laws such as: Child Abuse Reporting & Procedures, Suspected Child Abuse Reporting Procedures, Suspension & Expulsion/Due Process, Sexual Harassment Policies, Dress Code, Infectious Diseases Prevention Plan, and Procedures for Safe & Orderly Environment.
An updated file of all safety-related plans and materials is maintained by each school through the Emergency Procedures Manual. This manual is readily available at the school for inspection by the public. We are required to provide notice for public input prior to the adoption of the Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan. Notice for public comment was provided at each school. Each School Site Council held a public meeting at the school in order to allow members of the public and staff the opportunity to express an opinion about the Comprehensive School Site Safety Plan.
Links to the Sites' Comprehensive School Safety Plans (CSSP):