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Eureka Schools Foundation Partnership

Our Exceptional Partnership with the Eureka Schools Foundation (ESF) Continues

Our District continues to benefit from the unique and tremendous support of ESF.  We cannot thank you enough for your ongoing support for ESF as our students receive continued enrichment opportunities. As a result of your continued generosity, the District received $315,000 in donations for the 2024-25 school year for which we are extremely grateful. We are extremely proud of our partnership with ESF which has provided our District with enrichment programs for your children and professional development opportunities for our staff. Due to the tremendous success of these programs during the school year, we will continue to pursue expansion of them to meet the needs of our students. Enrichment learning includes student access to our school libraries, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics), vocal and instrumental music, and junior high school athletics. These important components of your child’s education are not fully funded with your state or property tax dollars as Eureka is low funded due to our unique demographics. Without private funding from ESF, our District’s ability to continue to offer these valuable programs would not be possible.  I encourage you to visit ESF’s website,, for detailed information on how ESF’s donated funds are allocated and spent each school year and to learn more about ESF’s annual fundraising events.  I am hopeful that your family will consider making a donation this school year to support the exceptional programs for our students.
It is truly an honor and pleasure to serve you as we meet the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Your input, involvement and active participation are truly the keys to our success in our unique and wonderful Eureka Union School District “family” and community!  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 774-1201.

Sincerely yours,
Tom Janis and Your Dedicated EUSD Team