Transportation Rules
Bus Stop Regulations
Bus Stop Regulations![]()
- Students will arrive at the bus stop at least five minutes prior to pick-up time. Students are not allowed to cross the street within the sight of a bus driver unless escorted across the street at a designated red light crossing. Students will not wait on the opposite side of the street from the bus stop unless told to do so by the bus driver.
- Students are to stay out of the street and wait in an orderly manner. Students are subject to the transportation discipline policy while waiting for the bus.
- Students will only be dropped off or picked up on the same side of the street as the bus stop.
- Buses will make designated stops only.
- Parents can not flag down or drive in front of a bus in order to stop it. Buses are not allowed to stop at any place other than a designated school bus stop.
- Students are not to deface private property on or near bus stops.
Bus Conduct Rules
Bus Conduct Rules![]()
- Students are to follow the instructions of the driver; no insolence or disrespect will be tolerated.
- Students are expected to stay in their seats while on the bus. A student may not put any part of his/her body out of the window.
- Eating, drinking, or chewing gum will not be allowed on the buses.
- Cell phones and other electronic devices are not allowed on the buses at any time.
- Skateboards that are not completely enclosed in a bag, bundles of newspapers, cans, balloons of any kind or glass are not allowed on the buses at any time.
- Pets, rodents, bugs or snakes of any kind may not be transported on the bus.
- Screaming or shouting is a distraction to the driver and will not be tolerated.
- Students defacing buses in any way will be required to pay for damages and may lose bus riding privileges.
- Students will only be allowed to ride on bus routes designated for their grade level unless approved in advance by the Transportation Department.
Failure to comply with any of these rules may result in the loss of the privilege of riding the bus.
Rules for Students Crossing the Street Without Autorization
Rules for Students Crossing the Street Without Autorization![]()
Students arriving late to a bus stop and needing to cross a street within the sight of a bus shall remain on the opposite side of the street from his/her scheduled bus stop. Bus drivers shall operate an unscheduled red light bus stop to escort students across the street for boarding.
- First Offense - Student and parents or guardians will receive a warning letter issued by the Transportation Department.
- Second Offense - Student and parents/guardians will receive a letter of concern relating to safety and violations of CHP policies from the Transportation Department.
- Third Offense - Student and parents/guardians will receive a letter declaring the incident as habitual and the student will receive a citation.
Discipline Process
Discipline Process![]()
The Transportation Department is responsible for notifying the parent of all violations. The normal progression of penalties for violations of the rules and regulations are:
- First Citation* - warning/notification of parent
- Second Citation* - 5 day suspension of transportation privileges / notification of parent
- Third Citation* - 20 day suspension of transportation privileges / notification of parent
- Fourth Citation* - Transportation privileges denied for remainder of the school year/ notification of parent
* For cases of severe misconduct or misconduct during the last two weeks of the school year, students may be assigned more severe penalties than provided in the normal process.
Appeal Procedure
Appeal Procedure![]()
- Within 24 hours of receipt of the citation, the student and/or parents/guardians may appeal the bus driver citation to the Transportation Coordinator at 774-1231. The Transportation Coordinator may review the case, request witnesses, and meet with all parties concerned.
- If not satisfied with the Step 1 appeal, the student and/or parents/guardians may appeal, in writing to the Business Manager within 24 hours of the appeal decision. Within 72 hours the Business Manager shall render a decision.
- The decision may be appealed, in writing, to the Superintendent within 48 hours of the receipt of the Level 2 appeal. The Superintendent shall review the appeal and render a decision within 5 days. The Superintendent's decision will be final.